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Elixinol Coupons and Deals
Meet Elixinol: A Hemp Legacy
Since 1991 Elixinol has been at the leading edge of the global hemp industry. Founded by Paul Benhaim who had a vision for hemp’s healing properties and has been delivering premium hemp products for over 30 years. Elixinol believes in hemp’s many uses and has become a trusted brand in the hemp and CBD space. Elixinol’s commitment to innovation drives them to offer a range of products from nutritional supplements to skincare and pet products. Elixinol’s global operations are sustainable and have the highest quality controls.
Elixinol Coupons
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Elixinol Rewards: Get Elixinol Loyalty Points on every dollar you spend. Sign up and get 50 points instantly, plus a birthday bonus and points for following Elixinol on social media and writing reviews. Redeem 100 points for a $5 Elixinol coupon.
Referral Rewards: Tell your friends about Elixinol and get rewarded. Share your Elixinol referral link and get $25 off your friends first order. You’ll get $25 Elixinol coupon for your next order when they buy.
Email Only Offers: Sign up for Elixinol’s email and get 15% off your first order. Stay up to date with new products and get early access to email only Elixinol coupon deals.
Clearance: Visit the Elixinol clearance section for end of life products. Get these Elixinol deals before they are gone and add more value to your order.
Free Shipping: Get free shipping on orders over $50 and save even more.
Now you have all the ways to save. Use Elixinol coupons and get the best hemp products and get the most out of your money. Start saving with Elixinol today.